موضوع انجليزي عن الكويت

موضوع انجليزي عن الكويت

موضوع انجليزي عن الكويت من أهم الموضوعات التي يتعين على الطلاب في دولة الكويت إكمالها بشكل منتظم، بغض النظر عن درجاتهم أو مستوياتهم الدراسية، هي الموضوعات المتعلقة بالوطن، حيث تمنح هذه الموضوعات للطالب فرصة كبيرة للتعرف عليها. بلده وكل ما يتعلق بها، مما يعمق إحساسه بالوطنية ويطور مشاعر الحب والانتماء لوطنه، ويكون للطالب اكتساب.

موضوع انجليزي عن الكويت

For decades, Kuwait served as a stopover for Arab nomads. This dry terrain was a commercial link between Mesopotamia and the Indus river valley, and it was located between Mesopotamia and the Indus river valley. The Portuguese entered the Arabian Gulf in the early 16th century and established a fort where Kuwait City presently stands. The Portuguese used the region as a base for further journeys north, although their stay in the Arabian Desert was short-lived.

Kuwait was thus a territory of moving communities until the 18th century. The Sabahs, a nomadic group of Arabian heritage, first established in what is now Kuwait City in 1710 Members of the Utab clan from what is now Saudi Arabia began to settle in Kuwait in the mid-eighteenth century,The town grew into an important trading centre over the course of fifty years, with boat building and pearl excavation and cultivation being the two main industries.

Kuwait transitioned from a nomadic to an urban people in just two centuries. Islam has had a significant influence on the development of the urban environment, and Kuwaiti homes reflect the precepts of Islam as well as the influence of desert life and culture ,In the arid desert climate, most residences are rectangular in shape and grouped around an inner courtyard.

This courtyard provides an enclosed yet open setting while also providing protection from the wind and direct sunshine, Homes are typically packed together to bring a family together and suit their requirements, As the number of the family grows, more rooms are added to accommodate the new members.

The way in which space is used in Kuwait mirrors the traditional male-female interaction. Tents would be separated by screens or a fabric in nomadic times so that males might entertain unrelated men as is their tradition, without the

guests coming into contact with female kin, Homes were created with a “double circulation system” with the introduction of urban living so that men and women could avoid interaction with one another, and most significantly, so that women were not in contact with unknown males

برزنتيشن عن الكويت بالانجليزي

Kuwait has six governorates: Jahra, the largest of which being Al-Farwaniya Governorate, Al-Farwaniya Governorate, and Al-Farwaniya Governorate, Mubarak al-Kabeer Governorate, and Ahmadi Governorate.

Kuwait is eager to develop itself in many areas, including science, trade, and sports, as it was famous for football in the early 1990s.

Furthermore, pearl diving, maritime trade, and shipbuilding are among the most important occupations Kuwaitis have worked in since the founding of the State of Kuwait and before the discovery of oil to earn a living, making it the most important commercial centre in the Arabian Gulf and its ports from major ports in the Arabian Peninsula and Mesopotamia.

making it the most important commercial centre in the Arabian Gulf and its ports from major ports in the Arabian Peninsula and Mesopotamia. The Mubarakiya Market, which was the trading centre for Arab countries and the link between them, is one of Kuwait’s most prominent and well-known landmarks.

Kuwait has become one of the wealthiest countries in the planet. Kuwait has the world’s fifth greatest oil reserves, and the Kuwaiti Dinar has been the country’s official currency since 1960. When compared to the US dollar, the Kuwaiti dinar has one of the highest exchange rates in the world.

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